About the Speech and Language Centre
The Centre for Children with Speech and Language Difficulties provides children with a specialised curriculum tailored to meet their needs and to provide a wide range of speaking and listening opportunities. All children in the centre have Education, Health and Care Plans and work from Individual learning plans as well as taking part in a range of extra curricular activities.
Ensuring that the children in the centre integrate and play with their counterparts in the rest of the school is a priority. All children have a programme of inclusion into the main classes of the school, join mainstream lessons and play with children from the main school during playtimes. As children enter Key Stage 2, they often become more fully integrated into the main school, but still with the support and modified curriculum designed to meet their needs.
Class teachers:
Ms Louise Hawkins, MsLilla Mackay and Mrs Crawford (LC2).
LC1 and 2 classes form the Lambeth Centre for children with Speech and Language Impairment, housed within Wyvil School.
We have up to 15 children from ages 4 to 11 with an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) naming the language centre who are supported by highly skilled adults as well as the Speech and Language Therapy Service from Evelina Children's Hospital.
Children follow the same curriculum as the rest of the school but at a slower pace. We also make the curriculum more visual and practical and sometimes children may need to follow the curriculum for a younger age.
We aim to boost children’s language and early learning skills with a high ratio of adult to child support and specialist resources. We include children in as many mainstream lessons as possible and inclusion is always decided on a case by case basis according to strengths across the curriculum.
We also go on trips, often with the main school, each term. We have been to several major art galleries and museums as well as theatres, cinemas and the local fire station.
Enrichment activities:
The children in the Language Centre have the opportunity to take part in a variety of enrichment activities to help boost their confidence, social interaction skills and develop their spoken language.
Activities include Tae-Kwan do, specialist music sessions, cooking and collaborative team games with trained coaches.