Year 4 2019-20

Class Teachers: Mr Noble (4FN) & Mr Joosab (4AJ)

Support Staff: Ms Fatima, Mrs Edwards & Ms Alice

CLICK HERE to meet the Year 4 team

By Year 4, children are becoming some of the older children in the school. Projects such as young leaders and peer mentoring support children in taking a more responsible role within the school community. In the classroom there is an emphasis on independent thinking, collaboration within groups and children taking more responsibility for their own learning.

We have a full and exciting curriculum and a specific approach to the teaching of key skills such as grammar, spelling, reading, writing and mental calculation in creative and challenging ways.


We believe in providing children with a rich level of experience, which includes opportunities to learn outside the classroom on trips including the Museum of London and Hampton Court.


Our year group production about the festival Easter takes place in Spring Term 4 and we create a Tudor Exhibition for parents and carers in Term 5.   



Please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher if you would like any more information about the curriculum your child is following - or if you have any questions/queries at all.

Part of the Wyvern Federation