Family Wellbeing Support

 Family Support Worker - Roya Diggs and Diana Mitchell

As a Family Support Worker, our role is to assist families in need of practical or emotional support, especially during challenging times related to parenting and the well-being of children. We are here to offer guidance and assistance on a variety of matters, including:

  • Uniforms
  • Housing
  • Attendance and punctuality
  • Clubs and After Care Provision
  • Emotional support for both children and families
  • General parenting advice

If you need support or advice, please don't hesitate to contact us via email on:

We are here to help and look forward to working with you to ensure the best outcomes for your family.


Cost of Living Support in Lambeth

Support is available from the council, local charities, and community groups. Have a look at the flyer below to see what support is available for you and your family.

cost of living crisis leaflet.pdf

 Lambeth Parent Forum

Lambeth Parent Forum are a group of parents and carers of children and young people with additional needs and disabilities aged 0 to 25 in the London Borough of Lambeth.  They work with local authorities, education, social care, health and other providers to ensure the services they plan and deliver meet the needs of disabled children and their families. CLICK HERE

Keeping Your Home Warm - South London Healthy Homes

South London Healthy Homes is a programme run by Charlton Athletic Community Trust, Lewisham Council, Groundwork, Thinking Works and South East London Community Energy (SELCE), with support from the Mayor of London. The free service is accessible across 13 London boroughs, to help vulnerable residents stay warm and healthy. 

If someone you know has concerns about keeping their home warm this winter, or if you’d like support yourself, call the South London Healthy Homes line on 0808 169 1779 or click here to be referred to the South London Stay Warm and Well Network.

Part of the Wyvern Federation