Inclusion Quality Mark : Flagship School status 2020

IQM-Flagship - St Cyprian's Greek Orthodox Primary Academy

Building on the success of securing Centre of Excellence in Spring term of 2017,  Wyvil Primary School has continued to demonstrate its' commitment to inclusive practice and as such was awarded Flagship Status in our most recent assessment. An accolade of which, we are extremely proud!

Educational inclusion is about equal opportunities for all pupils, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, attainment and background. An inclusive school is one in which the teaching and learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of every young person matters.  The IQM process provides a complete picture of what is happening in a school.

Following a rigorous assessment process which included interviews with parents, pupils, governors and members of staff as well as observations of teaching and learning activities we are delighted to have once again not only fully met the standards for this prestigious award but that we have now been recommended as a Flagship School.

Extract from the report:

"The team at Wyvil have demonstrated that the 'best interests of the child are at the heart of all of our actions'. Leaders have developed a team that are committed to constantly improving and developing their skills so that children can achieve and make progress"

Read the full April 2020 report here

Read the March 2021 Report here


Part of the Wyvern Federation