Ethos and Values
Mission Statement
At Wyvil School and Centres for Speech and Language Impairment and Autism the best interests of the child are at the heart of all of our actions. Wyvil aims to develop every child’s personality, unique talents and abilities to the full. Through the school’s stimulating and inspiring curriculum, the school aims to equip pupils with the resilience and perseverance to become creative and independent thinkers and to become learners for life within an ever-changing world.
The school actively encourages and supports respect for human rights, as well as respect for pupils’ parents, their own and other cultures and the environment.
The school aims to create a working environment that is positive, respectful and trusting, in which the development of all school staff is actively promoted.
High expectations and achievement for all pupils are invigorated through highly effective teaching, world-class opportunities and a supportive family ethos.
Core Values
The Wyvil Core Values are essential to the way we foster a learning community within our school. They form the basis of the way pupils form relationships with each other and the adults in school; they act as a reference for how to respond to challenging situations and they provide the guidance that pupils need in order to develop effective habits of successful learners.
The Wyvil Core Values are;
- Be respectful
- Be positive
- Take responsibility
- Try your best
- Work together
The Wyvil Reflection
The Wyvil School Reflection, which is read to pupils during the daily assembly, provides examples of what these values mean in practice.
- Help us to be respectful to everyone in our Wyvil Family, to be kind, honest and helpful to everyone we meet
- Help us to be positive and to see the best in everyone, when things are challenging help us to be resilient and to persevere
- Help us to take responsibility for our words and actions, to recognize and nurture what we are good at and to learn from our mistakes
- Help us to try our best in everything we do and remind us that our efforts reflect on our school, family and on us as individuals
- Help us to work together as a team, to support each other and to recognize that together we can achieve great things