Wyvil School Governance
The Governing Body's primary role is to guide the school's strategic development and promote high educational standards.
Its responsibilities are centered on three key functions:
- Ensuring clarity of the school's vision, ethos, and strategic direction.
- Holding the headteacher accountable for the educational performance of both the school and its pupils.
- Monitoring the school’s financial performance to ensure resources are used effectively and efficiently
The structure of the Wyvil Governing Committee is outlined below:
Wyvil Committee |
Tony Andrews |
Tanya Benjamin |
Diogo Costa |
Lisa Hodgkinson |
Valerie Pryce |
Steph Stevenson |
Ferhat Talkit |
Wyvil Primary School is part of the Wyvern Federation of Schools, which shares a joint Governing Board overseeing the following schools:
Herbert Morrison Primary School
Henry Fawcett Primary School
Ashmole Primary School
Vauxhall Primary School
Lilian Baylis Technology School
Federation Governing Body Constitution
The Governing Body is composed of the following members:
- Sixteen co-opted governors, appointed by the Governing Body
- One staff governor, elected by school staff
- Two parent governors, elected by parents
- One Local Authority governor, nominated by the local authority
- The Headteachers from the schools within the Federation
This diverse group ensures a balanced representation from the school community and local authority, providing comprehensive governance.
Partnership Governors:
Tony Andrews
Steve Graham (Chair of Governors)
Co-opted Governors:
Chris Wright
Eloise Hecimovic
Issa Issa
Nina Cave
Louise Preston
Jack Morley
Elisa Lakhan-Hector
Jonathan Young
Rachel Huggins
Chris Ogunlana
Katie Donkor
Jess Halstead
Owain Thomas
Teresa Clay
Staff Governor:
Alice Noble
Parent Governors:
Mark Rogers
Abel Ejeressa
Local Authority Governor:
Tanya Benjamin
Vanessa Bennett
Shelly Griffiths
Dawn Persad
Lucy Peake
Karen Chamberlain
All governors serve a four-year term.
In addition, there is also a Primary Finance Committee which is outlined below:
Primary Finance Committee |
Tony Andrews |
Lorna Burg |
Valerie Pryce |
Chris Wright |