Our Governors
Our Governors (ID 2041)
Steve GrahamChair of Governors
Steve Graham
Steve is a past Chairman of the Institute of Barristers' Clerks and was one of the original members of the Barmark panel. He has served on the Bar Services & IT Committee, the Bar IT Panel, the Organizing Board of the Annual Bar Conference and the Direct Professional Access Committee. He has been a member of numerous Bar Council working parties and has given evidence to and assisted several government review bodies. He is Chairman of the Trustees of the Barristers' Clerks Benevolent Fund.
Tony AndrewsCo-opted Governor
Tony Andrews
Tony is the chair of the Wyvil School Governors Committee and the chair of the Finance and Resources Committee for the Wyvern Federation.
Tony lives in Stockwell and is semi-retired, working part time in the Social Care departments of Westminster City Council as Emergency Planning Manager.
Jessica HalsteadParent Governor
Jessica Halstead
Jessica became a governor in 2019. She now works in property, following careers in journalism, then TV & Film marketing. She has four young children.
Issa IssaCo-opted Governor
Issa Issa
Issa Issa is a dynamic member of Lambeth's community, founder of an award winning community education centre in Lambeth, and senior advisor to our local MP. He's currently living in Waterloo with his family, and is privileged to be a father to three small children who attend Wyvern Federation.
Education is his passion, and he is driven by helping young people to get the best start in life. As a Governor here, he will always support the schools to be the best they can be.
Kat VikCo-opted Governor
Kat Vik
Kat is a Digital Project Manager with over 20 years experience in tech and communications. She has been a governor for 10 years and has an interest in music, literature and the arts. Kat has two children, one of whom is a former Ashmole pupil, and has lived in the Oval area for over 17 years.