Attention Autism
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Attention Autism is an speech and Language intervention designed by Gina Davies, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist. It aims to develop natural and spontaneous communication through the use of highly motivating visual activities. Gina’s primary objective is that the sessions are fun and “offer an irresistible invitation to learn”!
Attention Autism originates from the idea that successful communication is dynamic, engaging and joyful. We learn best when we work with enthusiasm, motivation and creativity. We remember good times and shared experiences.
Attention autism provides opportunities for communication; it supports the development of shared/joint attention, eye contact, gesture, facial expression, proximity, body language and shared experiences.
Attention Autism builds on the strengths of children who have excellent visual skills, a memory for motivating activities and lots of energy.
Aims of Attention Autism
- To engage attention
- To improve joint attention
- To develop shared enjoyment in group activities
- To increase attention in adult-led activities
- To encourage spontaneous interaction in a natural group setting
- To increase non-verbal and verbal communication through commenting
- To build a wealth and depth of vocabulary
- To have fun!
During each session (usually lasting for approximately fifteen-30 minutes), the teacher undertakes activities that are visually interesting and exciting for pupils to watch, using lots of colour and sound to encourage engagement, eye contact as well as spontaneous vocalisations.
Further reading
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is an alternative augmentative communication system where pictures/symbols are exchanged in order for users to get what they want and/or need.
There are 6 different phases of PECS, including how to request, picture discrimination, sentence structure, expanding language and commenting. This could be using photo, symbol or words to request what they want.
Further reading
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the National Curriculum. This ensures learners have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. We adapt teaching strategies to best suit each child's learning needs, using strategies appropriate for learners with autism and speech and language impairments such as visual supports, and TEACCH.
Our children learn phonics using the Read, Write Inc. program, and this is used across the Wyvern Federation. Phonics is a daily part of the curriculum for all learners.
What is TEACCH?
TEACCH is a structured teaching approach, which aims to teach independent work skills, foster communication, and most importantly works on the premise that each learner is an individual, with their own strengths, interests and needs. The TEACCH approach enhances motivation, as it uses positive and productive strategies by focusing on achieving enjoyment and hence success. For more information, see www.autismuk.com
What is the SCERTS Model?
SCERTS stands for Social Communication, Emotional Regulation and Transactional Supports. SCERTS aims to improve the quality of life of pupils with autism and their families by focusing on the core challenges of Social Communication and Emotional Regulation. For more information on SCERTs please see http://www.scerts.com/
What is PECS?
The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is one way of using pictures and symbols to support communication development. PECS is used widely across the ARB, to teach pupils to initiate communication, request items, and comment on the world around them.
Please see http://www.pecs-unitedkingdom.com/ for more information.