Well Being at home
At Wyvil, children’s wellbeing is considered a great importance and we would like to help you support your child with this during any period of isolation. The following are links to support your child’s wellbeing and mental and physical health. Keeping active, getting outside (just in to the garden), being creative (e,g. baking, art), mindfulness time (e.g. mindful colouring, yoga, meditation), can all help support your child and yourselves.
Keeping fit and healthy
Try and complete a home work out everyday
Emotion Coaching Booklet:
Emotional wellbeing:
Keep a diary
Record your feelings daily
Plan your day out
Listen to music
Meditate and relax
Read books or listen to audios on YouTube
PSHCE - Activities for Building Connection
From the PHSCE
Creative & Mindful Arts
Early Arts: Covid19 special edition - Scroll down for lots of super expressive-arty links https://mailchi.mp/earlyarts/covid-19-creative-care-package-1?e=9c5a9d1779
Love this ! Children can create their own shapes out of old bits of cardboard , and paint or colour them with their own patterns Slotted Building Discs
If you can get out at all - pick up some stones and try Rock Painting: https://rhythmsofplay.com/get-outside-connect-collect-and-paint-rocks/
Try some of these super interactive drawing activities, and if you explore the website there are lots of wonderful creative ideas that are underpinned with process pedagogy, rather than “here’s one i made earlier”! : https://artfulparent.com/simon-says-draw/
And here are some ideas for all of us for when we are stuck inside ( and not just during winter!): 50 Fun Things to Do When You're Stuck Inside During Winter
The National Society for Art and Design Education (NSEAD) have published some remote learning resources for all age groups: https://www.nsead.org/resources/remote-resources/?fbclid=IwAR2ttrhnMWTgtoS-pss-9l5-HcabPYXWHRne2wPZfkKcJRbVRH7RSGFXAWM
Information on Emotion Coaching
https://www.prettypost.co.uk/products/kids-printable-letter-writing-set?_pos=1&_sid=f35cf1992&_ss=r Free templates to download, print and then colour in for children to write letters to loved ones
Supermovers have numerous videos that will get your children active. The videos link to the curriculum so will keep the children active whilst still learning. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers
Childline Tool Box has a calm zone where you can access activities, breathing exercises, yoga, games and videos on ways to cope and expressing emotion https://www.childline.org.uk/toolbox/calm-zone/?fbclid=IwAR2UDQqDr54URa1T6_pXFAJTxI3PpVt6dkR1dDHiyN4IrWpuocfTuRpUPQ8
Go Noodle have both an ‘At home’ and ‘For families’ option where you can access free movement and mindfulness videos https://www.gonoodle.com/
Imoves have ‘Active blasts’ including workouts, yoga and pilates- https://imoves.com/the-imovement
The Muddy Puddle Teacher is offering a 30 dayfree trial. This includes activities for the outdoors, yoga and meditation. https://themuddypuddleteacher.co.uk/
Action For Happiness produce monthly calendars to support mindfulness https://www.actionforhappiness.org/calendars
Blissful Kids share mindful game ideas https://blissfulkids.com/mindful-games-mindfulness-for-kids-and-teens/?fbclid=IwAR0QjYSYGUBrOUEa-aMGKycMpBLfOkIpHEO7GumcIGZJlDzYrQ2co3y9eDI
Babbledabbledo share creative activity ideashttps://babbledabbledo.com/80-easy-creative-projects-for-kids/
Joe Wicks Kids Workoutse.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3LPrhI0v-w
Cosmic Kids Yoga- e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-BS87NTV5I
Jumpstart Jonny Workouts e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfbTvJMcRow
Guided Meditation For Kids e.g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk_qU7l-fcU
The mental health charity Mind.org offer advice and support on mental health and wellbeing. You can access support specifically relating to the corona virus for both children and adults here. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/coronavirus-and-your-wellbeing/?fbclid=IwAR3tgvHybSo2cIYe-uOq2iKh0XFXpT12Q-TFP4IxadPa0TZw9UY9rEjf5JoIf you are concerned about your child you can also find contact information here.